Maximizing your revenue within the rules is easy, as easy as 1-2-3

Here are the three ways to increase your Adsense revenue
1.-By tweaking the ads, to make them more appealing to your visitors
2.-By optimizing your website, for better Adsense targeting, the google folks call it content relevance.
The only way to get 1 and 2 right is by getting the number 3 right, and the number 3 is the most important.
3.-Tracking visitor response.

If you do not know what works, and what does not work in trying to increase your Adsense revenue is like shooting arrows in the dark, the right tracking tools can reveal a great deal about your visitors and answer fundamental questions such as what they are looking for and what makes them click, once you have figured that out, that is it, you are on your way to big Adsense bucks.

But it is not as straight-forward as it seems, if it were, there would not be so many people on Adsense forums, complaining about their low Adsense earnings, it is not that they aren’t doing anything about it, they simple aren’t doing the right things.

Dress your ads for success, the choices can be overwhelming, many people let Google decide for them preferring to stick with the default settings, the various ad formats, colors and their placement on the web page can be done in thousands of combinations, you can literally spend hours every day experimenting with every possible combination, but let me give you a few ground rules that will sky-rock your CTR’s on your top-grossing pages.

Don’t make your ads look like an ad, people don’t visit your website for ads, they want good content, if you make the ads stick out with eye-popping colors, images or borders, that makes them easy to recognize as ads, and people work extra hard to avoid them.

The same goes for ads that are tucked away in the top, bottom or some other far corner of the page, so easy to ignore them, if you want people to click, make the ads look like an integral part of your content, visitors nowadays are blind to banners, mad at pop ups, weary of ads and skeptical on contests and giveaways.